Nowra High School

Wisdom Through Knowledge

Telephone02 4421 4977

Wellbeing Mentor

School Chaplain

Wendy Kettlewell is the Chaplain at Nowra High School. She works Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays and can be contacted through the school office or by email.

Phone 02 4421 4977


Our Chaplain is funded by the Federal Government under the National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program.

This program aims to support students through the provision of pastoral care services and the promotion of strategies that support the emotional wellbeing of students and the broader school community. Pastoral care is defined in the Agreement with the Commonwealth as:

“the practice of looking after the personal needs of students, not just their academic needs, through the provision of general spiritual and personal advice.”

Participation in the Program is voluntary.

The Chaplain works with individuals and groups to:

  • Support the well-being of students and staff at Nowra High School
  • Assist people to build on their strengths and resilience
  • Encourage people to explore options and to make the most of opportunities available to them.

This can include:

  • Monitoring staff & student day to day social and emotional well-being
  • Supporting conversations with individual students and staff
  • Liaising with executive staff, school counsellors and individual teachers to identify and support students at risk
  • Linking students to school and community programs
  • Designing and delivering pro-active programs responding to school wellbeing needs

For more information about the National School Chaplaincy Program: