Nowra High School

Wisdom Through Knowledge

Telephone02 4421 4977

Funding applications

Our P&C has funds available that have previously been raised through the operation of the Nowra High School Canteen. These funds are to be expended for the benefit of Nowra High School students.  All Nowra High School P&C expenditure, including donation funding requests, must be placed on notice for consideration and resolution at a general meeting.

In order to ensure ongoing transparency and accountability, the following document, as approved by the members of the Nowra High School P & C, provides clear instructions on the processes to be followed from submission to filing. 


The submission process is:

  • All funding requests are to be submitted using the Nowra High School P&C Funding Application Form.  
  • All forms must be approved and be signed by the Principal before submission. 
  • Any supporting documentation should be attached to the request.  
  • Completed Application Forms need to be emailed to the P&C Secretary at least one week prior to a scheduled P&C General Meeting to allow for their inclusion in the minutes.

If you are looking to request funding from the P&C fill out an application (DOCX 21KB) and download the procedures (DOCX 21KB).

Consideration of the submission

Once you have made a submission it will be considered by the association:

  • All Nowra High School P&C Funding Application Forms included in General Meeting minutes will be considered and resolved at that meeting.
  • Funding will be assessed and allocated with the following guiding principles:

i. Funding will be provided to enhance the education experience for the students of Nowra High School.

ii. Funding will be provided for the following categories

a. Student Support for school representation at educational, sporting and/or cultural events.

b. Facility Enhancement within the school which provides a direct benefit to students.

c. Provide access to programmes that have educational, cultural or sporting benefits for students.

d. Education Materials for students are generally the responsibility of the school. Requests will be considered in limited circumstances and only if funding is available. 

iii. Funding will be provided from available funds in the P & C General account. Where insufficient funds are available, no allocation can be granted.

Decision notification

Once a decision has been made applicants will be notified of the result of their application.

Approved applications 

Applicants are to be notified in writing of the success of their application. 

Funding is to be provided to Nowra High School only and presented to the Principal within 7 days.

Denied applications

Reasons for the denial must be supplied to the applicant within 7 days. 

This includes applications where the P&C require further information, providing the applicant sufficient time to address the P&C concerns and resubmit before for the next P & C General Meeting.

Record keeping

All applications received within the above timeframes will be registered and included on the appropriate P & C General Meeting Agenda and Minutes.

Once a decision has been resolved, the Secretary and Treasurer are to ensure the appropriate responses are fulfilled and recorded on the application form under ‘P & C Use Only’.

These applications are to be filed and kept by the P & C Executive.  Any member of the P &C can request to review past applications, however the applications for a reporting year will be included in the annual audit, after which they will be archived with that years records for the prescribed period.