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Nowra High School

Nowra High School

Wisdom Through Knowledge

Telephone02 4421 4977

Expectations matrix

The best practice at NHS expectations matrix lists our expectations in different situations for how students will care for self, care for others and care for our school.

Best practice expectations in all settings

To care for self:

  • I wear full school uniform
  • I am in the right place at the right time
  • I attend school every day and come prepared to learn
  • I follow adult instructions first time
  • I take responsibility for my actions.

To care for others:

  • we support each other and celebrate diversity
  • we value positive relationships
  • we respect each other’s personal space
  • we seek assistance as required
  • we use appropriate verbal and non- language. 

To care for our school:

  • we use school resources appropriately
  • we allow everyone to do their job
  • we put rubbish in the bin.

Best practice expectations in learning environments

To care for self:

  • I line up, enter and exit rooms appropriately
  • I stay on task  and work to the best of my ability
  • I leave only with written permission
  • I follow and take responsibility for my timetable
  • I have my hat and phone off and away unless directed by the teacher.

To care for others:

  • we ask permission to use others’ belongings
  • we contribute appropriately to class discussion
  • we value feedback.

To care for our school:

  • we care for the classroom environment
  • we leave our surroundings better than we found them.

Best practice expectations in the playground

To care for self:

  • I keep myself safe
  • I use equipment appropriately.

To care for others:

  • we report unsafe behaviour
  • we play approved games
  • we are upstanders.

To care for our school:

  • we enter and exit through the gates and doors
  • we sit on seating provided
  • we protect the trees and gardens.

Best practice expectations in the toilets

To care for self:

  • I move in and out of the toilets promptly
  • I am hygienic.

To care for others:

  • we respect other’s privacy
  • we report issues to a staff member.

To care for our school:

  • we use the facilities appropriately
  • we keep our toilets clean and tidy.

Best practice expectations in the corridors and walkways

To care for self I walk quickly and quietly to my destination.

To care for others:

  • we behave safely
  • we keep to the left
  • we sit quietly in wet weather.

To care for our school we follow safety signs.

Best practice expectations in the canteen

To care for self:

  • I use my own money
  • I know what I want to buy
  • I leave directly after my purchase.

To care for others we wait our turn behind the line.

To care for our school we leave the area clean and tidy.

Best practice expectations in the administration block and staffrooms

To care for self:

  • I utilise break times effectively in the office
  • I knock and wait for teachers at staffrooms
  • I remove my hat before entering the office.

To care for others we line up quietly and wait our turn. 

To care for our school we respect staff workspaces.

Best practice expectations in the hall and at assembly

To care for self:

  • I sit quietly in my allocated area
  • I face the front
  • I stand to sing the National Anthem
  • I remove my hat and put my phone away.

To care for others:

  • we demonstrate appropriate behaviour at all times 
  • we line up, enter and exit the hall appropriately
  • we listen to the speaker.

To care for our school we keep chairs as found.

Best practice expectations on excursions and off site activities

To care for self:

  • I hand my note and money in on time 
  • I take responsibility for my belongings
  • I remain seated on bus until directed
  • I represent Nowra High School with pride.

To care for others we interact responsibly and respectfully with the community.

To care for our school we respect the venue and others property.